Blog posts listed

Here are some stories about my art photography. Most of these stories are about film based photos, primarily because I love the look and that I get with film. I also love the experience of shooting, developing and holding the film up to the light to previsualise how the finished image will look. Additionally, I like the way that shooting film feels like a different process to the photos I take for work. Digital photography has taken over for a reason, the quality, detail and level of light you can work in and create great shots is magic, but digital photography is magic like smart phones and the internet. Things that you just accept as here and working but only have a vague five minute understanding of. Film is magic because even though I have a good understanding of the technical process of manufacturing film, I know how to develop and have worked in labs processing film for other photographers, I am still amazed every time I pull a freshly developed roll off the spiral and hang it up to dry. That is magic.

Back in January when I started this blog, I posted about photos I took at Corner Inlet and said that I would be back with more photos from that trip soon. Well, soon is a somewhat relative concept I guess but today I am back with some more photos. If you like, you can read the first installment h...

Are you a car person as well as a photo person? What is the worlds coolest car? It is a really individual question. For me, a 70's 911 maybe? Another car I always fancied was an XB coupe (a John Goss special please), yeah but nah, my budget doesn't stretch that far. If you are a cruising car perso...

At the start of 2022 we managed to get a week away at Yanakie in South Gippsland. Holidays always mean a bit of free time to do some photography. These photos are from a short walk which starts at the caravan park and goes to Duck Point.

I have shot them with a Nikon F and the PC Nikkor 1:2.8 3...